Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whooping Cranes

We took a drive to Lamar yesterday, to see if we could find the Whooping Cranes that I've heard about. Sure enough, there they were in a field, with  cattle, across from St Charles Bay.  They don't look that large from the road.  My bird book states that they are over 4 ft tall and a wing span of over 6 ft. I don't think I would want to get too close.  They are still on the endangered list, slowly increasing in numbers.

Picture of St Charles Bay .
If you look close you can see a dolphin fin, in the last picture. We saw about 5 swimming around in Aransas Bay, close to the road.  There are so many things to see around here, as far as wildlife, it never gets boring.
I've made some adjustments to how I've been blogging, hopefully the pictures will be placed better and my writing doesn't all run together. Still learning new things. -M

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