Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nice Days!

We have had a couple of beautiful days! Sun was shining and temps in the 60's. So, we took the dogs and went over to Port Aransas (North Padre Island) both days. We parked along the jetty to eat our Subway sand. and this large ship was coming in. The dolphins love to swim in the wake at the bow of the ship. If you look real close you might be able to see one. It's hard to catch a picture of them. We did see a few just swimming in the jetty on the other side, also.

On the beach behind us there was a group of Black Skimmers (orange/black beak)and seagulls. The Skimmers open their beaks and fly real low along the waves on the beach and I guess skim up what ever there is to eat. They are fun to watch, kind of like a crop duster, swooping down and then up.

This picture is of Roberts Park in Port Aransas. We found a geocache in the tower there, so I had to take a few pictures. It's a very nice park, alot of people sit there and watch the ferries go across, or ships go by. It's a popular spot for fishing, walking or just hanging out. As I was up in the tower, Vel was down below and all of the sudden I heard her laugh along with others. A guy was fishing along the pier and caught a fish. As he was grabbing onto it, a Pelican came swooping by and grab onto the fish. The guy grab the line and pulled the fish out of it's mouth. Gutsy pelican!

Vel went a little crazy (or reverted back to childhood) and decided to go 4-wheeling on the beach. Since you can drive on the beach here the "road" isn't always in the best of shape after alot of rain. There was a mushy spot, about a half a block long, and instead of turning around, something clicked and off we went. I was holding my breath and she was laughing her head off. We made it with out getting stuck, and had to wash the car when we go done. It was kind of fun!
Well, I guess that's it for now-Later-M

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