Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hanging around

Last year we went to the LamardiGras, it was a small parade, but fun, and we caught a few beads.  They had a tent set up with a band, food, crafts and a room with Blackjack. All the proceeds went to the Fire Dept.  They had a good crowd. We always enjoy going to different festivals in different areas of the country. Quite a few years ago we happened upon A Squid Festival, In Monterey CA. They had  Squid cooked, BBQ, Fried many different ways.  I think we tried out about every one. You just never know what you'll find out there!
Yesterday  we mostly hung around home. We did a little Wii Fit Plus inside.There is one exercise where you are a bird and you flap your arms. It's a hoot! Sometimes Vel's gets laughing so loud, I'm sure you can probably hear her from the other side of the park. That's life with 2 inch walls! Heading out to enjoy the sun-M

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