Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dutchoven cooking and The "old" Prowler

The sun finally came out mid afternoon yesterday, but with a cold north wind. So, needless to say we didn't get our Vitamin D.
         We liked our old "Prowler". We went to Oregon in a Pop-up to visit Vel's family and came back in this Prowler (24ft). We had it for 12 years, then we briefly had a Passport (30ft travel trailer), before we decided to make the big step, 37ft Heartland BigHorn! Now after we are done with this, we have to start stepping back down, Ha!

I need to start doing more Dutch oven cooking, to justify having my heavy dutch ovens and table in the belly of the 5th wheel or basement as I like to call it. We have to be very aware of our extra weight, we don't want to go overboard. I think the best thing I've made in them are Chili Relleno Casserole and Zucchini Bread (picture). It definitely isn't something you just whip up, it takes a few hours of prep, cooking and a beverage to sip on while you are sitting and just watching it bake. OK, maybe thats just how I cook!
Looks like the sun it out this morning! I better go enjoy-M

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