Thursday, February 4, 2010

Illinois Pics

Not much to post. We are going to take the dogs to the park today, so they can get a good walk in on pavement instead of the "guck" that we have here at the park.
Todays pictures are from 2008 when Vel had an assignment in Centralia Il. They have a Balloon Festival every Fall and we were fortunate to time that just right. They are beautiful and when it turns dusk, they do what they call a Balloon Glow. They all take turns firing up their balloons. There were quite a few there, I would guess 40 or so. They also do a race across the country side. Vel and I took off on country roads to see if we could follow them. Sure enough all you had to do was follow the other people that were doing the same thing.
The hummingbirds were in full force then, also. We have a picture window in the back of the rig, that makes it perfect for their feeder. They are so fun to watch! Later-M

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