Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It was a  sunny afternoon yesterday, so we decided to go over to Port Aransas and find a few geocaches.   Geocaching is like a Treasure Hunt. Anyone can find one and anyone can place one. The best way to learn about it is to get on http://www.geocaching.com/  You type in the area of the country or world that you want to find one and it will give you a list of geocaches for that area. Each geocache has coordinates. So,then you place the coordinates into your GPS device and it will take you within 3 ft of the cache. The cache page has the date it was placed, the size, maybe a hint as to were it is or looks like and it will give you a list of people who have found it. 

Once you find it, they always have a piece of paper that you log the date and your geo name on. You then place it back exactly how you found it.Then when you get to your computer, you need to log your find on that geocache. The geocache site will keep track of your finds and placements.    There are Travel Bugs and Coins that have a certain number on them and you can pick those up and log them in the computer and then place them somewhere else on your travels.  We have a Travel Bug that we are going to drop off somewhere in NE, but it started in NM then went up to Nova Scotia and around the New England area, then back down to TX. The goal for this Travel Bug is to hit all 50 states, so we are going to help it do that.

The pictures are some geocaches that we have found. They can be as small as the tip of your pinkie, to the size of an ammo can.  Some have just a log and some have trinkets or Travel Bug/Coins in them.              It's a great way to see places that you normally wouldn't go to and after the purchase of you GPS unit, it can be a low cost hobby.  So, with our traveling, it's perfect! -M

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