Monday, February 15, 2010

Beautiful Day!

The  temps got up to 70 degrees yesterday, so about 1 o'clock we decided to take advantage of the day and get the kayaks out. We went to a kayak trail that has oyster beds and plenty of birds. The tide was down, so we had to be careful as to where we paddled.  I forgot to take along the camera, I need to make a list as to what to bring. (Along with all my other lists) We saw egrets, pelicans, willets, seagulls, blue herons and comorants. Then we saw one we hadn't seen before. It was fairly large, with a reddish head/ neck and dark body. It was fun to watch, because it would dance around in the shallow water, spread its wings and flap, then cock its head. Then it would peck at the water. It continued to do this all up and down the edge of the water, like it was putting on a show.  So, we looked it up when we got home and its a Reddish Egret. It dances in the water to stir up prey and spreads it's wing to cast a shadow. Very interesting! I threw in a picture of the Pacific Ocean. We were north of Bodega Bay, Ca when I shot this one in 2007.  Bodega Bay is one of our most favorite places, it's like a sleepy little fishing town with great scenery. Of course we've only been there on weekdays, never weekends when it's busy. We like to get sourdough bread and a couple bowls of clam chowder and just watch the ocean or bay. That's hard to beat. One of these days we will make it back out to the west coast. -M

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