Friday, February 19, 2010

Our stop in Memphis

Last November we stopped in Memphis for a few days. We stayed at Tom Sawyer RV Park in West Memphis, AR. It is right along the Mississippi River, so we watched quite a few barges going up and down the river. Our rig in the picture is far left. 
 We headed to Beale Street about mid-morning and it was pretty quiet. A few stores were open and then about 11am we ate at one of the several BBQ places that are there. I don't think you can go wrong at any of the BBQ in Memphis. I bet this place is very busy in the evenings, with all the bands and bars.
  We walked a few blocks to the Peabody Hotel, where they have ducks in the lobby. I guess they live there and are treated royally. What a life!
Next we drove down to the motel where Martin Luther King was assassinatted. The museum was closed that day, so we weren't able to see that. Next door, there was a cafe that had beignets, but that was closed also.  We weren't having much luck.
 I've never been a big Elvis fan, Vel is more so. We went to Graceland, but just drove by and went to a couple of the Elvis shops in the area.  The front stonewall at the entrance to the house was  full of sayings that people have left.  Across the street you could see his Jets that he owned, sitting out for display. There was alot more to the area than I thought there would be.  Very commercialized. I kind of feel sorry for the guy.
I wouldn't mind going back again someday, I'm sure there's alot more to see.M

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