Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Botanical Gardens

Yesterday was a nice day!  We went to the Botanical Gardens in Corpus Christi. It would of been prettier, in maybe a month or 2, but since we won't be around here, today was the day. We saw tons of Orchid plants, and some of them in bloom. They had a few butterflies in their butterfly room. No Hummingbirds around, but a few other different birds. We didn't see any alligators at Gator Lake. The roses are just starting to bloom by the Rose Pavillion. Beautiful blooming cactus in the Cactus garden and of course Vel had to feed the Koi on our way out.
We then went and picked up Vel's new glasses. They look nice!  She can see again! Ha Ha!   We ate Lunch at Catfish Charles. It was on the list of places to eat in the Visitors Brochure, and we also asked the gal at the Vision Office, if it was a good place to eat.  She loves it and told us how to get there.  Catfish Charlies was very good, we had the Lunch combo Fried catfish-shrimp-coleslaw-french fries-red beans and hush puppies. We were stuffed! Sun Harvest was close by, it's a small Whole Food type, so we picked up a few items.
     We headed back home to let the dogs out for a walk.   And then we all got in the car to go to Port Aransas to watch the Fat Tuesday parade.  What a fun day! -M

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