Monday, February 22, 2010

Farmers Market

Saturday Morning we took the dogs to the park for a walk and then drove over to Fulton Marina to find that it was Farmers Market Day! We were bad and picked up a couple of homeade individual pies. Vel had the Cherry and I had the Blueberry, Very Good!
On the way home I shot this picture of a White Pelican. There a alot of the White and Brown pelicans around here. The Brown Pelicans will dive head first in the water for their food, but White ones will not. They just scoop the fish while swimming.         My bird book says that Brown Pelicans made a stunning comeback from near-extinction after the banning of DDT in 1972. Damn Chemicals!
Saturday afternoon we decided to do a little geocaching. We tried for 6, but found 4. We will be back for the other 2! The challenge is fun!    One was to the left of this Gazebo. It was at a little park at the end of a residental area. A place we would of never gone to, had there not been a geocache. It is a very pretty view overlooking the bay. A good place to let the dogs go for a little walk also, but we had to be careful to avoid the sandburs!
There was another geocache by this sand dune, that I climbed up on, to the take this picture. Another area we wouldn't of found without the geocache being there. We drove down the beach and found a group of people around a bonfire, it looked like they had just finished a day of surfing. What fun!                                           
After a little fog and rain in the morning, Sunday turn out to be a nice day. We didn't do much, just a few errands and walked the dogs.  I see blue sky today! Hey!-M

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