Thursday, July 1, 2010

A week already!

I can't believe a week has gone by already since my last post!  We went to Lincoln last weekend to get my "Teakup" Teardrop trailer, to bring up to display for the 4th of July at the campground. I constructed it from scratch in 2005, and it has spent most of the time covered up in storage, so sad!  I've thought about selling it, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
The only time I really camped in it was at the Semi-annual National Teardrop Festival in 2006 at Minden, NE.  There were about 30 other teardrops there, from around the country.  It was alot of fun seeing all the different styles that people have.  Last year I think we had 2 come into the campground at different times. 
Also, I finished up my step project at the campground. We have 2 small cabins that needed a step to the front porch. So, yesterday, I got that taken care of.  They are pretty solid, so hopefully they hold up!
      We are going to have a FULL campground this weekend for the 4th of July.  So, we have been getting ready for that.
Yesterday, my niece Ashley had her 15th Birthday and this Saturday my Great-niece Keyanna will be celebrating her 10th birthday!  I can't believe how old they are getting!
Well, that's all for now!-M

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