Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lost dog and RAGBRAI training

Last weekend we had a lost dog, this Boston Terrier, at the campground. His name is now Dabbner.  I'll let Tucker tell the story on his blog. (and yes I will keep reminding him that he is way overdue on blogging!)
Last evening, Vel and I went for our RAGBRAI training in Sioux City.  First we stopped and had supper at Mac Behrs, in the historic 4th street district. It's on the 2nd floor of this building and it was $2-half pound hamburger night. We split a hamburger and also got an order of hot wings. Both were Delicious!  Monday nights they have 1/2 price hot wings and mini tacos, we'll have to check it out sometime. I love finding new places to eat!
After we left there, we drove down 4th street toward the Longlines Rec. Center, where our training was.  I would guess that there was about a hundred people there.  We got about an hour and a half orientation on what to do and expect. There will be 10,000 bike riders camping and housing in town. So, they estimate there will be at least 20,000 visitors all together. Because of all the activities, concerts, ect.  The Historic 4th street area will be blocked off, for the bands and beer gardens.  We are going to be stationed at the campground on the riverfront.  Our hours are later on Saturday, not what we wanted, but all the other's were filled up.  We received our bright orange t-shirts that say "ASK ME" on the front of them.  I think we will stand out in the crowd!!  So, if you are looking for some fun this next weekend and want to be around alot of people, come to Sioux City!!

As far as the campground, we are still getting alot of vacationers coming through. Our electric spots are almost full every night.  We've had a few Thunderstorms roll through, this last week, but nothing serious. I love the cloud formations!     Well, until next time-Later-M

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