Saturday, July 31, 2010


Yesterday we went with my folks to Sioux City for a little shopping. Our first stop was lunch. Mom wanted to stop at a new restaurant called Eldon's.  What a great choice! The inside reminded me of PF Chang's in Omaha. A very warm feeling, with alot of Walnut wood. Vel wanted to try an interesting appetizer called Green Bean Tempura. It has a balsamic sauce and wasabi mayonnaise with it. Very Good!!! Our lunch meals were good, also.  We definitely will be back.    
My folk's flag pole in their front yard, bit the dust on a very windy day. So, we went to Lowe's and I'm going to try to come up with a fix, with PVC pipe.  So, we'll see how that turns out.
Other than that, the campground has started to slow down.  I think parents are taking their kids school shopping instead of camping.  But coming next week, we will have quite a few motorcyclist coming through on their way to the big Sturgis Rally, so things will pick up again.

Toby smiling!
I'm throwing in a picture of Toby smiling, we just got done playing Frisbee, so he was a happy camper!!-M

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