Friday, July 2, 2010


Well last week the campground inspectors were here for a couple of days.  All went well with them, so I think we will get a good rating.             Then this last Monday morning, we discovered that one of the hot water heaters almost burnt the main building down, but thankfully put itself out.  The front of the heater was black from the flames shooting out from the controls, down at the bottom.  It was replaced the same day! 
We had a family moving cross country in their Suburban, pulling a U-haul.  They had matteress' on top of the U-haul and the car.  What a load!  Plus the wife was 9 months and 2 weeks pregnant!  I hope they will make it to their destination, before she has the baby! 

We had a couple of gentlemen come in this week headed to Alaska and the Artic Circle.  One of them seemed a little hesitant that they may not make it.  I'm not sure why, but it is a long trek!                       Wednesday evening we had an older Class C camper come in. They parked in front of the office, came in and check in.  But then, when he went to go to his spot, the camper would not start.  He had just driven across South Dakota!  We tried to jump his battery, but that did not work.  So, we pulled the camper to his spot, with a tow rope and the campgrounds Pick-up.  I saw the RV repair truck the next morning heading to his site. Later on the camper was gone, so I guess they were fixed! 
Yesterday afternoon while I was working in the office, a guy comes in that I recognized.  He owned the place that I bought both of my boats from!  Small world. He recognized me as "the nurse from the hospital" (close enough).  He and his wife are retired and just travel around, when they not home.      I threw in a picture of Luxi, laying on the freshly laundered clothes.  For some reason, she likes to lay on clean clothes when I dump them on the bed to be folded!  She is such a funny dog, spoiled rotten!  Later-M

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