Saturday, July 3, 2010

Start of the 4th

We have a boat ramp at the campground, which is obviously not usable for boats. It has large ruts in it and there is a big drop off at the end where the cement has broke loose.  We tell people to use the nice ramps across the lake at the State Park, to put their boat in.  Well, as we were walking the dogs yesterday morning, there was a terrible noise coming from the boat ramp as we were walking by.  Lo and Behold there was someone TRYING to put their boat in.  And he was stuck!  The boat trailer wheel had dropped off the side of the cement ramp and the axle was laying on the ramp.  Oops!  So, off I went to find a jack and something to prop the tire on.  After about 30 minutes of jacking up the trailer and shoving a board supported by chunks of cement blocks and wood chunks, he slowly inched forward and was able to pull it off the ramp. (one 4th happening, how many more to go?)   Well, in the evening the same guy comes to the office,(quite sunburned) and asked if we had anything to fish some car keys out of the lake. They had somehow fallen into the lake, as they were heading to shore to pull the boat out. I hope the rest of the weekend gets better for him!
We had some tent campers come in,  that had reserved a certain site, but were given a different site.  They were very unhappy at first, but as it turned out, the site that they had wanted was open, so they ended up Happy.  Not sure what happened there, must be the gremlins in the campground computer!
So, day one is down, onto the next!  Later-M
P.S. -Happy Birthday to my Great niece Keyanna!

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