Friday, July 16, 2010

Woodworking friend

Our friend, Joni, has been on a woodworking rampage this year. She has made a cool table to sit by her Dutch Oven table, while she is cooking.  A couple of beautiful garden hose hangers and a rolling holder for her air compressor! Such a crafty women she is! What will she come up with next?
Vel survived the heat and humidity, Wednesday, mowing and trimming the campground. I'm not sure how many gallons of water she went through!   Yesterday, after work, my folks and I went to Fremont for a little "drive through the car lot'' and shopping spree.  Mom has a "bug" for a new car, it's always fun to look, too!
On the way back we had to stop by the Fruit stand, north of Fremont.  I picked up some peaches and  cherry cider. ( The peaches are wonderful!) 
About 15 minutes after I got home, we had a knock on the door. The people in one of the cabins wanted to know if they could get some firewood.  That was a first, we haven't ever had a camper at our door.  The office was closed, so I told them if they had the exact change, I would get them some. And so they did.
Another Happy Camper!-M

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