Friday, March 12, 2010

Search for Beignets

Wednesday I made a trip to the Grocery Store, and then drove over to downtown Fulton. I saw this little red and blue building in front of one of the resturants and it had a sign on it saying "Beignets Thurs through Sunday mornings".  I was excited, I would be making a trip the next morning to Fulton for sure.   Well, about 8am I was off to Fulton and when I got there this is what I found, No more sign, saw dust on the deck and no one around-what the heck?   Later in the afternoon Vel and I did a few errands, and decided to drive by it again.  This time a guy was working on the building, so I got out and asked him about it.  He said the restaurant owner was opening it up, maybe this weekend. The restaurant doesn't open until 5pm so I wasn't able to go in and ask. So, maybe this weekend we'll be able to have Biegnets!!!  We shall see!
On the way home yesterday morning I saw a group of Roseate Spoonbills along the road. So, I had to pull onto the side road and take some pictures. ( I wasn't the only one doing this)  I just think they are cool birds!
Vel's flowers are starting to bloom!  You can sure tell it's spring here in Coastal Texas, the grass is greener, the wild flowers are up and the Live Oak trees are loosing their leaves to make way for the new ones.  Vel also has a pot with snapdragons that are about ready to bloom, but the squirrels (that are plentiful around here) have eaten the tips off a couple of the plants.  So, we'll see if they make it! It's going to be another beautiful day-I'll go enjoy it for all my family and friends in Nebraska (where it was snowing yesterday-YUK!)-M

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