Tuesday, March 23, 2010

RV maintenance

We defrosted the refrigerator yesterday, it's one of those things that needs to be done every now and then.  We also had a slow leak in our outside water filter that needed attention. The hard water here in Texas is very rough on the hoses and connections. The metal on the inlet valve just crumbled when I took it off, so off to Ace Hardware I went. I connected back up with all new brass fittings, but it still was leaking. With the neighbor's suggestion I ended up putting 2 washers together in one spot and Viola it worked!  That's one nice thing about RV parks, the neighbors are all very helpful and have alot of RV maintenance experience.
Just thought I would throw in a picture of this dog we saw on the beach last friday. It looks like the owner gave it a haircut in the shape of a lion. It seemed quite friendly, but very interesting looking!-M

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