Saturday, March 6, 2010

Flying Kites

Last Tuesday when we went over to Port Aransas or "The Island" to the beach, Vel got out her Pirate Kite.
She bought it last year here and has gotten it out a few times. But as she was standing there flying it, I think she must of gotten bored with it. Because when she got back in the car, she asked if we could stop at the kite shop to check out the stunt kites.  So off we went to check them out. 
She found one that was reasonably priced and wouldn't explode when she crashed it. The owner of the shop was very helpful, and gave us a alot of tips on how to put it together and how to fly it. So, back to the beach we went.  She did a few nose dives with it,(as shown in picture) but I think with a little practice and patience,  she'll get the hang of it.
We usually see a ship or two coming or going out of the jetty, when we are at the beach.  But this one seemed to be larger than usual. Not sure what kind it is, only that it's BIG!
The sun is out and it's almost 70, so I better get out and enjoy it!-M

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