Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday morning we went to the Rockport market days. We heard that the "cake lady" was there.  She makes these wonderful individual cakes from scatch. So, we had to pick up some to try. German Chocolate, Lemon, Carrot and Hawaiian is what we got. Hep, they were right, they were wonderful!
In the afternoon we decided to pack up the dogs and head over to the beach in Port Aransas. Our Michigan friends did the same, with there two golden retrievers. The beaches were only half as full as last week, so we found a nice spot that was next to an area that was roped off with yellow tape. There were other people around, so we didn't think much of the roped off area. We sat down and just enjoyed the waves and sun.  Then out of the clear blue sky, something swooshed down by us and landed within the taped off area! Skydivers!!!!! We looked up and more were coming in-Sooooo Cooool!!!!

While we were there, a group of about 12 or so, jumped 3 different times.  So, to top off a nice day at the beach, we got the entertainment of skydivers also.     My nephew skydives, so Drew if you read this, wouldn't this be a great place to drop in!?
Last night a group of our neighbors, got together for a cookout.  Rick has a nice set up for grilling. He has an old washing machine tub, sitting on a few bricks, that he uses for his fire pit. Then he has a nice big grate, connected to a metal rod, so he can swing the food over and off the fire.  He soaked corn in there husks, for several hours and then roasted them just like that. Yum! He also grilled Hamburgers, Brats and Italian Sausage, we sure don't go hungry down here!
It's going to be another nice day-I better go enjoy it!!!-M

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