Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday was a beautiful day, so we decided to go kayaking.  We checked the tide chart and so we know by the time we get to the kayak area it will be between Low and High tide.  When we got there, we noticed the water level was lower than the last time we were there, but still doable. But, there was an area where we would of liked to go through but, the water level was just to low. Oh well, we just toodled around the main area and still had fun!     We saw this Snowy Egret, it had found a spot where there must of been alot of food, because when we got close he/she didn't want to move.  At one point it ruffled it's feathers, like it was telling me to go away, so I did.
The water is quite clear, we could see schools of tiny fish, little crabs, regular fish (I saw one about 2 feet long). Then at one point Vel saw two tails flopping above water, when she stopped to investigate, she realized it was two sting rays. Cool!  Later on I saw 5 small sting rays swimming and then all of the sudden they hid under some vegitation.  
The last time we came here, this oyster bed was under water, this shows you how low the tide was.  I need to read more about oyster beds, I would think the oysters would dry out, when the tide is so low. Hum??
When we got home, we threw the dogs in the car and went to town.  We let them out for a walk a couple of times, so they could enjoy the nice weather also.  We definitely can tell it's Spring Break here - Alot of people are out and about!-M

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