Saturday, October 2, 2010

short update

Vel's knee is progressing well. We've made a few outings.  Target shopping after Physical Therapy, a Kohls trip to buy a new rug for the rig and a new pair of tennies.  And a BBQ at my brother and sister-in-laws house, to see my nephew, Dusty, who was back for the weekend from Sacramento.  It was nice to see him and everyone else!
Today we are going to go to a Nebraska Volleyball game.  Hopefully I'll be able to drop Vel off close to the coliseum, and  then go park in our usual parking garage. She'll have to climb up to Row 14 on the bleacher's and luckily she sits on the end of the row, so she can let her leg hang out in the isle. We'll see how many people she trips!   So......we'll see how that goes! 
The weather has been absolutely beautiful here! We couldn't ask for anything better!!   So, hopefully the cold will hold off for  a few more weeks!  Later-M

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