Thursday, October 21, 2010

Behind in blogging as usual

As usual I'm behind in blogging!
Last weekend we went to Lewis and Clark State Park, by Yankton SD, with our friends.  We had a great  time!! It was perfect fall weather, cool in the mornings, warm during the day and crisp cool nights!
We got the bikes out, Vel's knee isn't quite there for a long trip on the bikes, so we went a little ways.  We got a little Geocaching in.  Sitting watching the sunrise, and sitting around the fire in the evening.

After we left there, Vel and I headed to my Folk's house for a few days.  After an enjoyable time there, we are back in Lincoln.  We have a couple of Dr's appointments to finish up and then we will be heading south beginning of next week!  It's sound like the temps are going to drop (highs in the 40's) by the middle of next week.'s time to head for warmer temps!!(Hopefully, we will find some)

This is a picture of the informal firepit at our friend's house, I help dig.  It's not complete yet, they are going to be putting alot more gravel around the outside of it.  Looks like a cozy place to contemplate life, doesn't it?-M

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