Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stretching Tucker

On one of the beautiful days that we have been having, we saw 2 of these Powered Paragliders go by.  This one was so low, I thought he was going to end up landing on the road.   But, I think he was just enjoying the ride!
Last Sunday on 10-10-10, Vel and I went out to find  a few Geocaches.  We were able to find two of them! was having it's 10 year anniversary, so they were trying to break a record on how many Geocaches people found on 10-10-10.  The record was broken from a previous 56,000 worldwide in one day  to 78,000!

The other day Tucker saw a stuffed toy on top of the desk and he was determined to get it!  He pulled over the basket full of his other toys (they weren't good enough) and stretched as much as he could and after about  6 attempts got it!   And of course he proceeded to rip the stuffing out, so I grab his favorite ball and threw that a few times to distract him from that toy!  He could play ball for hours if you let himl!
Toby's been enjoying being outside on these beautiful days and Luxi likes to be outside for about 5 minutes, then she's had enough and wants to go inside the rig.  She is such a little princess!
That's it for today!-M

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