Saturday, October 9, 2010

No, it can't be

 While we were at my Folk's house last Tuesday, I went out to the Pick-up that morning, to get something out of it.  And as I'm walking up to it, I could see the back window didn't look right. All I was thinking was "no it can't be" .  Well, yes it can be and it was!  I was not a happy camper!!! Something hit the back of it, either a rock from the road or a pellet of some kind, I will never know!  It was intact, but in a million pieces!!!

I called the Sheriff's department and the Town Police came and looked at it, and made a report. Then I called  Safelite (a national company) and they would be out the next morning to replace it.
They were there at 10am to replace the window and I thought they would have a fancy way to take it out as whole as possible. (maybe a big adhesive tape) Nope, he put a sheet across the back seat and pushed it all in!!  I couldn't watch- what a mess!!  It looked good when he was done.  After he left I took the shop vac and  cleaned up what he missed.  So, that is an expensive way to get a clean window!

So, that was my excitement for that day! Way tooooo much for me!  But the good thing is, nobody got hurt and it was just a small bump in the road.  
Vel is doing well with her knee and still going to Physical Therapy. It still aches and keeps her up at night sometimes, but it will get there. Her knee she had replaced last spring, is doing great!
That's it for today-M

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