Monday, October 4, 2010

Look! no crutches!!!

Saturday, Vel walked (with 2 crutches) at least a good block to the Volleyball game and then climbed up the bleachers to the 14th row and watched 4 sets of volleyball!!  and then back to the car again! Her knee did very well, but she was pooped by the time we got home! 
Saturday evening, I was invited to a party with my former co-workers.  It was very nice to see everyone!  It amazes me, to hear about everyone's kids, and how they have grown!  They  are graduating or having their own kids now,  kind of makes you realize how time flys I really getting that old????!!!!!!   It's all in the mind.....right??
Back to Vel, we moved back into our rig on Friday and I think that, along with getting her staples out last Thursday has help with the progression of her recovery.  She doesn't use the crutches or the cane inside the rig, because everything is so close, that she can just grab something if she needs to steady herself.  We are at my folks house, now for a couple of days and  she's walking with a cane sometimes and sometimes not.  So, it's looking good!!!   In a few weeks we should be heading south!!
In the "furry kid" department, we bought a new rug to put in the living room and Luxi would not walk on it at all!  Now our living room is not very big, and the rug takes up most of the space.  So, here is this little dog walking around the outside edges, just to avoid the rug.  Vel and I got a good chuckle out of it-of course a treat trick did the job to get her on it.  So, now she is slowly getting use to it. Dogs are soooooo funny!!!
Well, that's it for now.....Later-M

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