Sunday, May 16, 2010

Settled in for the Summer

Friday we drove to our Summer Workamping job in Iowa.  We have a nice site, towards the front of the campground.  This is the same one we worked at last year, so it's nice to see familiar faces. And there are a few new ones, too!  I'll be working in the office and Vel will be mowing, cleaning bathrooms and cabins.  Since it was a wet winter here, the small lake next to us is pretty full.  We are anxious to get the kayaks out!  Bring on summer!!
  I couldn't get a clear picture, but Saturday morning when I looking out our window, I saw this Indigo Bunting!  It is a bird that we saw last year in Texas, very pretty!  So, I don't know if it is just migrating north or if it's here for the summer. I'll have to keep tabs on it, hopefully this is their home for the summer.

Here are a couple of shots of our rig in my folk's driveway. It just fits and I'm sure their neighbors don't really like us blocking their view to the main street. Their neighbor right next to them has a pop-up camper sitting in his driveway. It's kind of fun to see the comparison.  That's what we started out with years ago.  We even pulled it to Oregon a couple of times, to see Vel's family. We have a few pop-up stories!  Like having a tire blow-out in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, and we couldn't get the bad tire off!  So, we had to drive on the shoulder of interstate, back to a scarry little gas station, that had a nice couple running it, to help us.  We ended up camping next to the gas station for the night, I'm not sure either one of us slept.    Or the time we pulled into someplace by Salt Lake City for the night. It was dark and storming, we were at a campground by a creek.  It rained very hard all night, we thought for sure by morning we would be floating down the creek somewhere.  Memories! -M

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