Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not much to write about

It hasn't been too busy here at the campground. Vel's been doing great with her knee. She's able to do her jobs, cleaning bathrooms, cabins, mowing on the rider, and even using the push mower.  We've had a few interesting camper's come in. Some College students on their way to Wyoming to do some archeology digs.  A family from Holland, that have resided in the States for a few years, that took a month off to travel. A couple from England traveling the States.
Last year I checked in a couple of gentlemen that wanted a tent site. I asked them what they are driving and looked out the window to see 2 mopeds. To my surprise they were traveling across the United States, they started in Seattle area and were headed to the east coast. They could only go about 35mph and were taking all the back roads. Now that's a slow way to see the country!
That's it for now-M

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