Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back to Lincoln

Todays first 2 pictures are of my niece and nephew, playing with the dogs, last weekend.  They are making beds for them, so they could take naps.  But all Tucker wanted to do was give "kisses" and Toby just wanted to be petted.  Shy Luxi was just watching it all.
Monday we (My folks, Vel and I) went up to South Sioux City to pick up some pain meds for Vel at Walgreens.  She is still having some swelling and pain, but it is slowly getting better. The Doctor says this is normal.  Then we drove across the Missouri river to Sioux City, IA and had lunch at Famous Dave's. As usual, it was good food! We headed over to Target for a few things and then headed back to my folk's house.  I did a couple loads of laundry and then we watched the DVD "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep and Alex Baldwin.  We all decided it was a good movie, kind of a light-hearted adult comedy.  Our other choice was " Amelia" but we decided to save that for another time.

This is my niece Lindsay, we met down at The Mill in Lincoln's Haymarket District last week, for coffee.  She wanted me to make sure that I wrote that she was on her way to "work out".  So that's why she wasn't all dolled up.  She's been exercising and has lost some weight-You go girl! 
We are now back in Lincoln for a few days for appointments and Physical Therapy.  We also have a few errands to run, so I guess I better get going before the day disappears!-M

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