Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday already!

Last Thursday afternoon we headed up to my folk's house in NE Nebraska.  The south wind pretty much blew us up, we took the Diesel Pick-up and I got about 19mpg!  Pretty good I thought!  Friday afternoon we ventured over to Iowa to have "all you can eat" crab legs and prime rib at the Winnivegas Casino. Boy, were they good!!!  After that Vel and Mom put a few coins in for fun and then we headed back home!  Vel's knee had enough for that day!  But it was good for her to get out and about!
      Saturday my brother Mike and his two kids Zach and Zoe came up for a visit. We grilled some hamburgers for lunch and then went down to the Park so the kids could get rid of some energy!  They loved to be spun around on those round about things. I tried it and it made me too dizzy.  Then after some time on the Play set we headed back home. Vel and Zach got some Ben Ten Wii time in, now Vel has a new Wii game she wants. I think she should stick to her Exercise Wii, it seems to be more productive!  The dogs got some extra attention from the kids, and I think they liked it. Even shy Luxi was warming up to them! 
Sunday was a beautiful day, 80's and hardly any wind.  In the afternoon I washed the pick-up. It has needed it since leaving Texas, so I finally got to it!  Dad loves to have coffee breaks, so we got one of those in.
Today I think we are heading up to Sioux City area for an outing-Later-M

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