Monday, November 8, 2010

Mr. Colorado

Friday when we went to the Tabasco Co. tour, we ran into a guy from Colorado. Just small talk- he was eating a Boudin (Cajun Sausage) and we asked how it was.  He said good, so we tried one.  Then off we went to St. Martinville to find our Beignets, about 30 miles away.  There was a jeep driving about 5 miles below the speed limit, in front of us with Colorado plates and we joked about it being the guy from Colorado we just met.  Well, after our Beignet stop, we walked around town and we met up with the guy from Colorado again on  the sidewalk. We all kind of chuckled, and told each other about where we have been in the area. And off we went again.  Saturday we headed to the annual "Giant Omelet Celebration"  in Abbeville.  As we were about ready to leave, here comes Mr. Colorado just arriving. So, we chatted again. He is on a 3week vacation, by himself, tent camping along the way.  Just seeing all of the sights. We just thought it was strange that we've bumped into him 3 different times.  It's a small world.
Great Omelet Celebration

Painted Flamingos!
We missed the making of the Giant Omelet , they did that on Sunday morning.  But we had fun, Saturday listening to the Cajun bands, walking through the craft area and trying different foods.  First we tried the Eggplant Volcano. It was 3 batter fried slices of eggplant, about 6 fried shrimp, topped with a red and cream sauce. Very tasty. Then we tried a shrimp and crab pistolette. Fried French bread with creamed shrimp and crab in the middle. And finally a shrimp pie. It was like a chicken pot pie with out the top crust. That was our least favorite. They had some nice looking desserts, but we decided we had done enough damage to our arteries and decided to go do a little geocaching.
Abbeville, LA

Can you see the geocache?
 We found 5 out of the 6 geocaches I had picked. Not too bad!!  This one is a small pill bottle like container taped up in camouflage. Have you found it yet? It was in the crook of the tree above my head.
Above ground Cemetery
Another interesting thing down here in the south, where we are at sea level, is the cemeteries.  Not only are they above ground, you see them about anywhere.  There might be a small one, about 12 tombs in between two houses or just by a field.  Just a little different than what I'm use too.  That's what so fun about traveling, there's just so many things out here to see.

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