Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ferry Ride

New Homes on Bolivar Peninsula
 We did not want to drive through Houston with the rig, because it is crazy busy traffic. White knuckle stuff!! So, since last year we took the northern long route above it, this year we are taking the southern route. 
Along the way on the Bolivar Peninsula we saw the remains of what Hurricane Ike didn't leave behind. It blew through here in Sept of 08 and from what I've read, wiped out up to 90% of this area. Wow, how sad!! From what we can tell from the road most everything is cleaned up and new homes have gone up. There is a few places that look like they are just waiting to be rebuilt, like on a holding pattern.  Some places have rv's sitting in empty lots, that use to have homes, or partial homes. I'm sure it's a slow process for some.

My Guess- Hurricane Ike destroyed this one

Our Ferry Ride! Getting on..

On the southern route, we need to get on a free ferry to get over to Galveston, TX. I was a little apprehensive about this at first, but after I researched it a little, I felt better.  I read a couple of other blogs and they said that it was a piece of cake. Also, it can handle 8 -18 wheelers, so why should I need to worry!
On the ferry!!

Actually it turned out to be kind of fun!  There were workers there to help me roll in to my lane and not hit anyone else. Once I got on, I thought I looked pretty small, compared to the ferry!
Not much room-I bet I upset a few people by blocking their view!
The ride is 2.7 miles and about 18 min. long. Vel got out and roamed around a little bit. When it was time to get off, they let the other side go first and then the row to my left. Then right after we got off, I was able to pull off to the side and let the people behind me go ahead.  I also turned my propane tank back on,(for the fridge) because before they would let us on, we had to turn it off.
Meeting another ferry

Time to get off
Then we drove through Galveston ( with Glen Campbell's song ringing in our ears) and on down the road to our new favorite camping spot! (more on that next time)-Later-M

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