Monday, November 22, 2010

Kayaking, Biking and Having Fun

Alligator  in the Bayou before campground
 We were back in Mississippi and on the way in to the campground, an alligator greeted us at the entrance area.  We were told that they really don't like to be around humans. They might look at you, but they like to keep their distance.
The area that we camped at has a nice bayou.
We checked at the Visitors Center for a kayak map of the area. The guy was very helpful and told us the best place to go, if it wasn't too windy.
Great day for kayaking

It was a nice day and the area that we got in at was protected and the water was calm. We saw a Kingbird, Blue Heron, a few Egrets and Pelicans. When we went towards more open water, it got a little wavy. We tried to go to the area the Ranger suggested, but we decided we would be too worn out by the time we got there. So, we just turned around an tootled around in the calm waters.  It must of been suppertime, because we saw several fish jumping out of the water catching bugs.

Flying Fish-supper time

Ocean Springs Marina
 The next day we decided to take a bike ride.  We stayed on the bike route, it took us in a residential area, then down to the beach road and then through the quaint little downtown area. I definitely need to get a softer seat. ( I felt it the next day)
New Pier at Park

We also found a geocache on the bike ride. 

We tried Mellow Mushroom Pizza while we were there and we recommend it, it was good!  We also had to stop at The Grand Casino, so Vel could try her hand. She came out 20 dollars ahead, sounds good to me! 
The next day I had to measure the height of the Pick-up. It's 6' 4" to the top of the Satellite antenna. While we were at the Grand Parking Garage the maximum height to go in was 6'6".  We went in, but I immediately turned around since I didn't know, at the time, how tall I was.  We went into a different garage and the height was 7' and I new I was o.k. -So we parked.  But I still drove through, ducking down the whole time, Vel just laughed, like that was going to do us any good!

Beautiful Home (not sure how the kid got in there)
The weather has been really nice, down here on the Gulf Coast. Hope it continues!-Later-M

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