Wednesday, April 21, 2010

T-shirt Quilt!

The progress of Vel's knee is still going well. She's doing her Physical Therapy, exercises at home and walking around some. Her scar seems to be healing well and the bruising from surgery is slowly going away. 
The dogs are all doing well, Toby is back to normal and Tucker's sour stomach seems better. My biggest challange is keeping everyone's pills straight and on time.  I've been helping our friends with a few projects around the house, to keep me busy. 

Our friend, Barb, made a t-shirt quilt for Vel. It is really cool!!!!!  Vel has saved her t-shirts for years, she even had one from when she lived in Hawaii in the early 70's.  So, it's a variety of her old t-shirts.  Barb also has a picture of the dogs, printed onto fabric, within the quilt.  This quilt will definently be cherished! 

Better get busy, so we can make it to PT by 10-M

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