Sunday, April 18, 2010

Catch up on Vel's progress

Vel was doing so well, that they let her go home Wednesday afternoon.  So, once she got settled on the couch with her protection box over her knee, the dogs mauled her!  I think they missed her, especially Tucker! He wouldn't stop giving her kisses! 
I just cut up a box that would fit over her knee, so the dogs wouldn't jump directly on her knee. It worked well!
I also took a picture of the hardware, five screws and a plate that came out of her knee.  Maybe I can use those screws on a wood project, they look to be stainless steel and very sturdy! Ha!
She had PT on Thursday and again on Friday. The Physical Therapist was surprised at how well she is doing. Especially the flexion of the new knee. So, hopefully this will continue!  She said she expected to have her usual shooting pain when she put weight on her leg. But she had none, I think she has lived with the pain for so long, she forgot what it was like not to have any! How wonderful is that!

She has 3 more Physical therapy appointments schedule, so we'll see if she needs anymore than that.
We are staying in our friends walkout basement, which is working out well. She has more room to move around for exercising and the bathroom facilities are alot more roomier than what the rig would be.
On the "Furry Kid" side of things, We had to take Toby to the emergency vet hospital on Friday evening.  He had been vomiting and had diarrhea for a couple of days, and we decided just to watch him and maybe take him into the Vet Sat Morning if he still had it. Well, he started to have what looked to be blood in his diarrhea, so off we went to see what's going on.   He had a case of gastroenteritis, a shot for vomiting and then  antibotic and diarrhea pills and back home we went.  The dogs like to eat rabbit poop and who knows what else. So, we think he got a hold of something that didn't agree with him.  So, I guess we will have to lease the dogs, to control what they eat in the yard!  -M

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