Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Busy week

As we knew, this first week back in Nebraska would be very busy with Dr. Appointments, Taxes, ect....  We don't usually have any type of schedule, and we've gotten use to our relaxed lifestyle, so it's kind of hard to get going sometimes!  (I know you probably feel sorry for us-Ha Ha)
 The dogs love being able to run around without any leashes attached.  We are parked in a fenced in area, so all we have to do is open the door and out they go!  It's nice to be able to see them run!

So, you may know, that I have an addiction to those little stuffed animal crane machines. (you may see them in the front of WalMarts, as you walk in) I get a kick out of trying to get the little stuffed animals out, then I usually give them away after I get them. (My Dad always told me to have a little fun everyday-so that's my fun every now and then)  Anyway, what I'm getting at, is our friends had a tree removed and look at that little crane that is helping him move the logs!  What fun would that be!!!   Maybe I should of asked him if needs temporary help-Ha Ha!    
I better get going for another busy day!-M

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