Monday, June 7, 2010


Last Thursday evening, since the weather looked questionable  and we both had Friday off, we decided to head to my folk's house, just in case. We don't have a storm shelter here at the campground, the best we have is the bathrooms.  I don't think either one of us is too excited about that, for protection.  Weatherwise nothing transpired, but rain. That's fine with us!

Friday, we decided to go to Ameristar, so Vel could try to win her millions.  Well that didn't happen, but we had a nice late lunch.  Dad and I went to Camping World to pick up a few items for the rig, while Mom, my Aunt and Vel had fun inside the boat.                                         I took some pictures of my mother's flowers around their house.  Very beautiful!
It was a quiet weekend at the campground, a few people passing through on vacation.  Also, a few locals just getting away.  Summer is here!-M

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