Friday, June 18, 2010

storm clouds and mix ups

I was looking out our back window last evening and saw this ray of light coming off the clouds passing by, so I grabbed my camera.  Did I ever mention how much I like digital cameras?  So simple!

A little later, to the east of us, these thunderheads started to form.  Thank goodness they missed us this time.

And we ended the evening with a beautiful sunset!
A little after 10 last night, Vel was letting the dogs out for their last potty break.  She came in and asked me(I was asleep, in bed) if I wanted to go to the office and turn on the computer to see why we had 2 campers wanting to go into 1 spot. Oh-Oh!  Well, it was an honest mistake on the campgrounds part.  A camper came in after 8pm, and took a afterhours envelope for a site, but when he arrived at the site, it already had a camper in it.  So, he just took the next site and hoped that it would be o.k.  Well. that site was already reserved for someone else. So, when that camper came in at 10, he sat in the roadway, trying to figure out what to do and that's when Vel was outside and figured something was wrong.    By the time Vel and I got to the office, the owners of the campground were there too.  So, we found a site for the late night camper, apologized, and everyone
was fine.   (my thoughts when Vel got me up was,  I thought I wasn't "on call" anymore! But, compared to my last "call life", driving in the middle of the night half awake, to help save some one's life, this was a piece of cake!)
Another day in the life of Fulltiming! -M

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