Thursday, June 24, 2010

Interesting happenings at the campground

We had a beautiful Airstream pull in tuesday night. It was a couple of sights away from us, so I was able to admire it while it was there!  I was surprised to see a slide out on it, from what I can tell on the computer, they made those for a few years. I don't think they make them anymore, and I haven't find out why, yet.
The day before we had a smaller Airstream pull in, it was originally was going to stay 2 days, but they decided that they needed to get to Montana sooner than later, so they changed their stay to 1 day. It was a nice one, also.

Last Saturday night at about 1 o'clock in the morning, I was awakened by a terrible clanging noise. My first thought was that I was dreaming, but then I decided to look out the window.  All I could see was lights of a rig over by the office. Good Grief, I guess I better go check it out!  So, long story short,  it was a pick-up pulling a 5th wheel trailer, pulling about a 10ft enclosed trailer. As the guy was turning into our campground the hitch between the 5er and 10ft trailer became unwelded, and the trailer was flopping around with just the chains attached!   He was able to pull enough to the side of the road and detached the trailer.  Then with some difficulty he finally found his site that he had reserved.  The next day when I talked to him, he had had 2 blow outs on the way to the campground, that's why he was late arriving. Talk about a "BAD" day!  As it turned out he was able to leave the next morning, because of a monthly camper that is staying here, has a truck with all the equipment needed to fix the problem hitch!  I hope the rest of his trip continued to get better!  Oh yea, that same night the carbon monoxide detector went off a couple of hours later in our rig (I think it was just dusty and we have 2 other detectors in the rig that did not go off) , so we were a little sleep deprived the next day. 

Monday we had a gentleman pull in with this 1971 VW bus.  We went to chat with him, and he was very interesting.  He was folding down some metal shelves on the front of the bus, to turn it into a kitchen.  He is from California and has been gone 46 days and has gone 7000 miles so far. He has one other car a home and it is his normal driving car, which is a 1929 Model A.  He showed us pictures of it.  The next morning he stopped in the office on his way out and we got to talking about Full-timing RVing, he was very intrigue about it. He said to look for him "down the road"  You never know!

The same day we had this newer VW bus across the way.  2 in one day, I hardly see these anymore!
Then Tuesday morning while I was in the office we had a nice elderly lady rushing up the office.  She hurried in to tell me that the water was going full blast at their site and could not get it to turn off, even with  pliers. So, I ran over to the water faucet and turned it off.  I told her she might of been turning it the wrong way, she didn't like that.  So, then I said she must of loosened it for me.  She went on her way shaking her head.
So, that's the latest happenings at the campground!-M

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ponca State Park

It was a perfect day to drive to Ponca State Park on Saturday.  I think I was in grade school the last time I was there.  The last few years, I have heard about all the improvements that they have made to the park.  I truly don't remember what it use to look like, but now it is pretty nice.
The views of the Missouri river are beautiful, the river looks a lot calmer in the area, but it is still full! The campgrounds are nice with alot of shade.  At one point driving through, Vel commented that it felt like we were in western Oregon, with all the tree overhang.  There is alot of tent camping areas and a couple of RV camping areas.  It looks like they have electric and some with water.  We decided that bringing our rig here would not be an option.  To many windy roads and tight spaces.  But it is a beautiful park!

On the way home, I stopped along the road to get a picture of these windmills.  Someone has placed quite a few different windmills, with a sign next to them, explaining what type it is.  Pretty cool!-M

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

catching up

Saturday was Mom and Dad's 55th Anniversary, so the 4 of us went to Bev's on the River in Sioux City. We had a nice view of the "Full" Missouri river! It's a very nice restaurant, good food and pleasant surroundings.  Vel had to critique the stained glass inside the restaurant.

After we ate, we walked outside and checked out the river.  I think there was a boat advisory out, to stay off the river, because of all the debris in the water, but that didn't stop a few boaters.  We saw several large logs and what looked like a big metal barrel floating down the river, in a very short span of time.  I know I would of never put my boat in, seeing all of that!  I hate to think what would happen to a boat if it ran into it.  
East side of Bev's and in front of the Marina, is a Hamburger placed called Jolly Rogers, maybe one of these days we will make it there to eat. In the background is a bridge that connects Nebraska and Iowa.
After we left here we drove to Ponca State Park in Nebraska, I'll show pics of that drive tomorrow.-M

Friday, June 18, 2010

storm clouds and mix ups

I was looking out our back window last evening and saw this ray of light coming off the clouds passing by, so I grabbed my camera.  Did I ever mention how much I like digital cameras?  So simple!

A little later, to the east of us, these thunderheads started to form.  Thank goodness they missed us this time.

And we ended the evening with a beautiful sunset!
A little after 10 last night, Vel was letting the dogs out for their last potty break.  She came in and asked me(I was asleep, in bed) if I wanted to go to the office and turn on the computer to see why we had 2 campers wanting to go into 1 spot. Oh-Oh!  Well, it was an honest mistake on the campgrounds part.  A camper came in after 8pm, and took a afterhours envelope for a site, but when he arrived at the site, it already had a camper in it.  So, he just took the next site and hoped that it would be o.k.  Well. that site was already reserved for someone else. So, when that camper came in at 10, he sat in the roadway, trying to figure out what to do and that's when Vel was outside and figured something was wrong.    By the time Vel and I got to the office, the owners of the campground were there too.  So, we found a site for the late night camper, apologized, and everyone
was fine.   (my thoughts when Vel got me up was,  I thought I wasn't "on call" anymore! But, compared to my last "call life", driving in the middle of the night half awake, to help save some one's life, this was a piece of cake!)
Another day in the life of Fulltiming! -M

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

water water everywhere

Last Saturday Mom and I went to Lincoln for my niece's birthday party.  So, I took quite a few pictures of all of the full rivers, creeks and fields. Unfortunately by the time I got to the party, I only got one picture of Audrey before my battery in my camera went dead. Dang!!! My other nieces and nephews were there and I wasn't able to get anymore pictures. I've got to get a back-up battery!

This it a picture of the "Mighty MO"-quite full!!

Here is the Platte river by Fremont, a little too close for comfort, by the homes on the river!  It's just a little scary driving on a bridge, when you know the water is that close to it.

This is Logan creek, this is heading south, by the time we headed home it was much worse! But of coarse, my battery in my camera was dead, so no more pics.  By the next day, the highway that we had just traveled was closed, because of the flooding on the road.
Back at the campground, we've had a Bicyclist come through and tent camp. It's amazing what you can load on your bike.   A few motorcyclist  come through.  One pulling a tent trailer and they were going to stay  2 nights, but after the down pour of rain the first night, they must of decided one night was enough! (We had 4 nights in a row of downpours!)  Sunday we had a Gentleman come in from Arizona, on his way to North Dakota and Yellowstone.  He was traveling by himself, he said he had to fly his wife back home, because she was still working!!  Too bad for her!! (or maybe she likes it that way) Oh, yes we had another vintage Airstream come through and stayed a night. This was a long one, about 28 ft.
Monday, we had our friends, Barb and Jeff stop by for the evening.  They are on their way to Minnesota for Vacation. We tried out a new restaurant in town, I had the pulled pork sandwich and fries. It was quit tasty. It was good to see old friends!!
It is suppose to be close to 90 degrees today, hopefully it will dry up some of the wet fields!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rain Rain

Today is my niece's 9th Birthday!  Happy Birthday, Audrey!!!

We have had some Rainy weather this week. By the looks of the branch that fell you would think it's been real windy also. But I think it was just a weak branch, because the wind hasn't been extreme.

Thursday we had over  1 1/2 inches and this morning we had another 1 1/2 inches at least. So, the result was a pond outside our door.  And next to us the firepit was sitting in water.  There was a picnic table sitting in a pond also.  We needed a little rain, but we're good for now!                 Vel looked out the window, when it was pouring this morning and a tent camper (Husband, Wife, 4 little boys and 2 beagles) were throwing things in their car quickly and drove off.  I bet that was the quickest they ever have packed up, they probably had a few things to dry out when they got home.

Yesterday we had a couple come in, with their 16 ft 1957 Airstream.   It was in very good shape!  They were traveling cross country from a Vintage Airstream Rally.  I think Airstreams are pretty cool, and they are so well built.  The silver bullet going down the highway!   I think if I was still in a sticks and bricks, I probably would have a small Airstream or some type of small vintage trailer sitting in my driveway. I would be refurbishing it.  Good thing I not in a sticks and bricks! Ha!-M

Monday, June 7, 2010


Last Thursday evening, since the weather looked questionable  and we both had Friday off, we decided to head to my folk's house, just in case. We don't have a storm shelter here at the campground, the best we have is the bathrooms.  I don't think either one of us is too excited about that, for protection.  Weatherwise nothing transpired, but rain. That's fine with us!

Friday, we decided to go to Ameristar, so Vel could try to win her millions.  Well that didn't happen, but we had a nice late lunch.  Dad and I went to Camping World to pick up a few items for the rig, while Mom, my Aunt and Vel had fun inside the boat.                                         I took some pictures of my mother's flowers around their house.  Very beautiful!
It was a quiet weekend at the campground, a few people passing through on vacation.  Also, a few locals just getting away.  Summer is here!-M

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

campers passing through

Well, the busy weekend at the campground has come and gone.  We had some excitement early Monday morning with rowdy crowd of campers, but that was about it.  By early afternoon on Monday we were back to a quiet campground. 
Tuesday, after a nice morning, we had a thunderstorms roll through. Thank goodness the bad storms were north and south of us.  We ended the day with a beautiful sunset, although I didn't get a picture.
Today we have a few campers staying, one is on their way to Washington State. Another are on motorcycles with a sidecar and pop up tent, taking their young kids from Canada to Disney World. What a fun trip!!-M