Wednesday, May 19, 2010

working away in MargarettaVel

Back to work!  Vel and I worked 2 hours Sun, Mon, and Tues, each.  Boy it's tough!! Ha Ha! We are slooowwwwllly getting back into it!   Tuesday morning I walked over to the lake and had my coffee, the water was very calm.  The other day I saw a couple of White Pelicans, but didn't see any that morning.  They probably are on their way to Canada for the summer. 

           A couple of weeks ago, our friend, Michelle, made us a really cool bag for our travels. It is insulated and has pockets inside.  The material is all of the States and the State Capital!  We Love It!!   Then, when we stopped by on Monday,  she was in a Martha Stewart mood and made us some chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. (they were excellent!)  But, then she got really creative and made a jean short bag to put them in.  It is too cute!  It has plenty of pockets, too!  She even had to fix a hole in one of them.   She's got plenty of ideas for her bag business!!!  What will she think of next?

Oh, and Vel's follow up Drs appointment for her knee, on Monday, was very good!  She can start riding her bike and start building up her thigh muscles, by climbing some stairs.  The Dr. is very pleased with her progress, but said that since she has had so much done to it over the years, that it will still ache for a while. All is good!-M 

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