Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe that this is already Sunday!  Last Wednesday was my niece's 4th birthday-Happy Birthday, Zoe!  This picture is a couple years old, she is much taller and older now! 

The campground is very full! Friday and Saturday were great warm weather days and the moon was full! ( yes that's a McDonald's sign under the moon).  Sunday it rained in the morning and cooled off and has been cloudy most of the day.  Not a very good pool day.  A couple of campers left early, not sure why, maybe because of the cool weather.  I don't really have any interesting camping stories to tell.  Vel has had a few little boys dancing around outside the bathrooms when she closes them to clean them, and then their faces show a sigh of relief when she allows them to go inside. 

The fishing has been good in the lake, the store sold out of night crawlers, so then the can corn went, and someone said hot dogs is good for bait also. I haven't heard how that worked, yet.   There are lots of kids, bikes, dogs, campfires, cars, it's definitely a holiday weekend!                                            My folks, brother, sister- in- law and niece came over this afternoon for a visit.  It was nice to see them!                  
The sun is starting to peek out, it should be another beautiful evening!-M

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