Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe that this is already Sunday!  Last Wednesday was my niece's 4th birthday-Happy Birthday, Zoe!  This picture is a couple years old, she is much taller and older now! 

The campground is very full! Friday and Saturday were great warm weather days and the moon was full! ( yes that's a McDonald's sign under the moon).  Sunday it rained in the morning and cooled off and has been cloudy most of the day.  Not a very good pool day.  A couple of campers left early, not sure why, maybe because of the cool weather.  I don't really have any interesting camping stories to tell.  Vel has had a few little boys dancing around outside the bathrooms when she closes them to clean them, and then their faces show a sigh of relief when she allows them to go inside. 

The fishing has been good in the lake, the store sold out of night crawlers, so then the can corn went, and someone said hot dogs is good for bait also. I haven't heard how that worked, yet.   There are lots of kids, bikes, dogs, campfires, cars, it's definitely a holiday weekend!                                            My folks, brother, sister- in- law and niece came over this afternoon for a visit.  It was nice to see them!                  
The sun is starting to peek out, it should be another beautiful evening!-M

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We have had a couple good rain showers since we've been here.  And some beautiful sunrises! I know we've also had a few pretty sunsets, but I haven't gotten a picture of them, yet.
We had a RPOD trailer come in the other day. I like the looks of them, as they remind me of teardrop trailers, but a little larger.  This one had a little pop-out sleeping area-pretty cool.
We are getting ready for the Memorial Weekend, the campground will be full!  We'll have to see what interesting stories will come up! Stay Tuned!-M

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not much to write about

It hasn't been too busy here at the campground. Vel's been doing great with her knee. She's able to do her jobs, cleaning bathrooms, cabins, mowing on the rider, and even using the push mower.  We've had a few interesting camper's come in. Some College students on their way to Wyoming to do some archeology digs.  A family from Holland, that have resided in the States for a few years, that took a month off to travel. A couple from England traveling the States.
Last year I checked in a couple of gentlemen that wanted a tent site. I asked them what they are driving and looked out the window to see 2 mopeds. To my surprise they were traveling across the United States, they started in Seattle area and were headed to the east coast. They could only go about 35mph and were taking all the back roads. Now that's a slow way to see the country!
That's it for now-M

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

working away in MargarettaVel

Back to work!  Vel and I worked 2 hours Sun, Mon, and Tues, each.  Boy it's tough!! Ha Ha! We are slooowwwwllly getting back into it!   Tuesday morning I walked over to the lake and had my coffee, the water was very calm.  The other day I saw a couple of White Pelicans, but didn't see any that morning.  They probably are on their way to Canada for the summer. 

           A couple of weeks ago, our friend, Michelle, made us a really cool bag for our travels. It is insulated and has pockets inside.  The material is all of the States and the State Capital!  We Love It!!   Then, when we stopped by on Monday,  she was in a Martha Stewart mood and made us some chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. (they were excellent!)  But, then she got really creative and made a jean short bag to put them in.  It is too cute!  It has plenty of pockets, too!  She even had to fix a hole in one of them.   She's got plenty of ideas for her bag business!!!  What will she think of next?

Oh, and Vel's follow up Drs appointment for her knee, on Monday, was very good!  She can start riding her bike and start building up her thigh muscles, by climbing some stairs.  The Dr. is very pleased with her progress, but said that since she has had so much done to it over the years, that it will still ache for a while. All is good!-M 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Settled in for the Summer

Friday we drove to our Summer Workamping job in Iowa.  We have a nice site, towards the front of the campground.  This is the same one we worked at last year, so it's nice to see familiar faces. And there are a few new ones, too!  I'll be working in the office and Vel will be mowing, cleaning bathrooms and cabins.  Since it was a wet winter here, the small lake next to us is pretty full.  We are anxious to get the kayaks out!  Bring on summer!!
  I couldn't get a clear picture, but Saturday morning when I looking out our window, I saw this Indigo Bunting!  It is a bird that we saw last year in Texas, very pretty!  So, I don't know if it is just migrating north or if it's here for the summer. I'll have to keep tabs on it, hopefully this is their home for the summer.

Here are a couple of shots of our rig in my folk's driveway. It just fits and I'm sure their neighbors don't really like us blocking their view to the main street. Their neighbor right next to them has a pop-up camper sitting in his driveway. It's kind of fun to see the comparison.  That's what we started out with years ago.  We even pulled it to Oregon a couple of times, to see Vel's family. We have a few pop-up stories!  Like having a tire blow-out in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, and we couldn't get the bad tire off!  So, we had to drive on the shoulder of interstate, back to a scarry little gas station, that had a nice couple running it, to help us.  We ended up camping next to the gas station for the night, I'm not sure either one of us slept.    Or the time we pulled into someplace by Salt Lake City for the night. It was dark and storming, we were at a campground by a creek.  It rained very hard all night, we thought for sure by morning we would be floating down the creek somewhere.  Memories! -M

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Here and There

We've been going here and there this week. Monday was Fremont for Dad's eye appointment. Tuesday we stayed home and did wash, then went over to my Aunt's house for strawberry shortcake and coffee, as my Aunt and Uncle from Wisconsin were here for a visit.  Then Wednesday we went up to Sioux City for Lunch and to do a little shopping. Today is a stay home day-I think!
So, not a whole lot going on. Just waiting for the sun to come out!-M

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Again!

Last Thursday was a busy day with my eye appointment and then Vel's Physical Therapy.  Then in the evening we went to Barb and Jeff's for a BBQ get together with friends.  Very enjoyable evening!
     Friday we were trying to decide if we should head up to my folks house with the rig, because it was kind of windy out. I checked the weather and it showed that the wind advisory was in north central Nebraska and did not include the counties that we were traveling in. So, mid afternoon we took off.  We went over to the nearest State Park to dump the rig and then headed out.  It was a NW wind and we were heading north, we could feel it, but it wasn't terrible.  I just went slow, thankfully the majority of the route is 4 lane, and we made it just fine.  I did o.k. backing it into the driveway with Vel and the dogs in the pick-up with me. Usually the dogs are in the CRV and Vel is helping guide me in, but because of her knee surgery, I didn't have her get out until I needed a look out for the bricks by the flag pole or the roof of the house.  I think the key is to take it easy and take it slow and don't get too rilled!
       Saturday we headed up to Sioux City area, again.  We ate at Wendy's, I had the Grilled Chicken breast sandwich, very dry and I had a hard time finding it between the bun.  My folk's had the New fish sandwich, I don't think they were too impressed, not alot of taste.  Oh, well, we'll just have to remember that for next time.
       Yesterday for Mother's Day we went over to Winnivegas Casino, as they had a nice brunch for the day.  They were quite busy and after about a 30 min. wait we were seated.  Everything was pretty tasty and for dessert, Mom and I had their Key Lime pie. Mom gave it an "8" and I gave it a "7.5"   We started rating our key lime pies ever since we went down to Destin, Florida for vacation a few years back.  After supper we would all split 1 or 2 slices and rate them.  Just kind of a fun thing to do-It continued when we went to the Florida Keys with our friends, also.  So, it just doesn't seem right to have a slice of Key Lime and then not rate it!    
      After we ate, Mom and Vel put a few quarters in.  Dad and I went and put gas in the van, 2.56/gal at the casino, then we drove around town a few minutes for something to do.  The dogs were happy to see us. when we all got home.  I decided to replace the cover on one of the dogs beds.  So, I used Mom's sewing machine and did that. 
So, I guess that's all for now-M

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yesterday evening, our friends and us, dutch oven cooked for supper. I tried something new, Shrimp stuffed Portobello mushrooms, I think they turned out o.k.   We also made a Devil's food cake for dessert.  Our friends made Hash brown casserole. It was all very tasty!!  Along with being a beautiful evening outside!
We ran our errands yesterday afternoon and also stopped by to visit with the lady who adopted our two cats, Midnight and Kia. We are so thrilled to have it all worked out so well.  She loves having them, they love being with her and are getting lots of attention. And as a added bonus she has a large bay window, that they can lay and watch the world go by!
I'm thinking about buying a new sewing machine. Our friend, Michelle, just bought one and took a sewing class and is getting  into it. So, I have the fever and have a few things I could make. So, do I get my ancient machine out of storage (it looks like one of the old black singer sewing machines, but it's blue) or do I just buy a basic new one?  Time will tell! Later-M

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back to Lincoln

Todays first 2 pictures are of my niece and nephew, playing with the dogs, last weekend.  They are making beds for them, so they could take naps.  But all Tucker wanted to do was give "kisses" and Toby just wanted to be petted.  Shy Luxi was just watching it all.
Monday we (My folks, Vel and I) went up to South Sioux City to pick up some pain meds for Vel at Walgreens.  She is still having some swelling and pain, but it is slowly getting better. The Doctor says this is normal.  Then we drove across the Missouri river to Sioux City, IA and had lunch at Famous Dave's. As usual, it was good food! We headed over to Target for a few things and then headed back to my folk's house.  I did a couple loads of laundry and then we watched the DVD "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep and Alex Baldwin.  We all decided it was a good movie, kind of a light-hearted adult comedy.  Our other choice was " Amelia" but we decided to save that for another time.

This is my niece Lindsay, we met down at The Mill in Lincoln's Haymarket District last week, for coffee.  She wanted me to make sure that I wrote that she was on her way to "work out".  So that's why she wasn't all dolled up.  She's been exercising and has lost some weight-You go girl! 
We are now back in Lincoln for a few days for appointments and Physical Therapy.  We also have a few errands to run, so I guess I better get going before the day disappears!-M

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday already!

Last Thursday afternoon we headed up to my folk's house in NE Nebraska.  The south wind pretty much blew us up, we took the Diesel Pick-up and I got about 19mpg!  Pretty good I thought!  Friday afternoon we ventured over to Iowa to have "all you can eat" crab legs and prime rib at the Winnivegas Casino. Boy, were they good!!!  After that Vel and Mom put a few coins in for fun and then we headed back home!  Vel's knee had enough for that day!  But it was good for her to get out and about!
      Saturday my brother Mike and his two kids Zach and Zoe came up for a visit. We grilled some hamburgers for lunch and then went down to the Park so the kids could get rid of some energy!  They loved to be spun around on those round about things. I tried it and it made me too dizzy.  Then after some time on the Play set we headed back home. Vel and Zach got some Ben Ten Wii time in, now Vel has a new Wii game she wants. I think she should stick to her Exercise Wii, it seems to be more productive!  The dogs got some extra attention from the kids, and I think they liked it. Even shy Luxi was warming up to them! 
Sunday was a beautiful day, 80's and hardly any wind.  In the afternoon I washed the pick-up. It has needed it since leaving Texas, so I finally got to it!  Dad loves to have coffee breaks, so we got one of those in.
Today I think we are heading up to Sioux City area for an outing-Later-M