Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 I'm not sure why someone would stick old Cadillacs in the ground, but in Amarillo Texas they do.  In the middle of a field, that they were planting something in it, while I was there. Vel and the dogs stayed in the Pick-up, I don't think they were too impressed.
They invite anyone to add graffiti, but I think they also want you to place the spray cans in the dumpsters placed by the road. There were cans all over the ground.  Why people can't make that little effort, boggles my mind!
And that's Cadillac Ranch?????????!!!!!!
We drove down Historic Route 66 in Amarillo, there were a few of Antique shops, gift shops and restaurants on the route.   It's kind of neat to think that it was a main route from Chicago to Los Angeles, before the interstate system.  Such narrow roads, perfect for an old Ford pickup, with a Teardrop behind it!!  Just pull along the side of the road for the night, under a tree, and set up camp.  Those must of been the days!!  No RV parks with full hook-ups back then!!!

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