Thursday, October 13, 2011

2nd largest canyon it the U.S.

Palo Duro Canyon

Heading down to bottom of canyon
 This area of Texas is quite flat, until you get to Palo Duro Canyon. It's a beautiful State Park, alot of red claystone, with layers of white gypsum.  It has walking, biking and horse trails. Along with campgrounds, an Amphitheater and an Interpretive Center.
It's rich in history, first the Native Americans were here.  And then the white man ran them off to Oklahoma.  Then Charles Goodnight in 1876 entered the canyon and opened up a large ranch. Now it's a State Park!
Cool formations

Mr. Lizard

Lighthouse formation

Prone to flash flooding

Yep, this is Texas

Replica of Charles Goodnight's 1st house

See the Roadrunner? Me neither, she was too fast for the camera!
It is worth the stop, if you are ever in the area!! -M

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