Saturday, July 30, 2011

Visiting SE South Dakota

Turbulent Gavins Point Dam-releasing 160,000 cubic feet /sec
  We spent a few days at Lewis and Clark campground by Yankton SD.  We stopped at the bottom of Gavins Point Dam. Very impressive water flow, unfortunately its doing alot of damage downstream.
Colorful Jet Skis at the Marina

View from campsite
We had a site that backed up for a lake view, very nice.  One of the things I enjoy is having my morning cup of coffee, sitting outside,  listening and watching the birds. It was a perfect spot for that! 
Abundant Mayflies

Mist from Dam

The Bluffs

Having fun Kayaking

Barn Swallow homes (Holes in the Cliff)
The park has very nice bike/walking trails, so we took advantage of those. We also got the kayaks out one morning, while the wind was light, so peaceful!
The dogs love it too.  Except when one of the Mayflies decided to land on Luxi's butt, she jumped a foot and was paranoid to go outside after that.  We had to take her across the road from then on out, to a special spot, so she would go potty.  She is our high maintenance dog!!

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