Thursday, June 2, 2011

Robins take flight

Well our daily watching of the Robin nest is over. All three babies took off through the day last Sunday. In the morning, they all were very alert and watching Mom and Dad in the yard, flying and hopping around. 

11 days old
 At one point, the first one was hanging on the outside of the nest. But he/she decided quickly that it wasn't quite time and hopped back inside the crowded nest.  The next time I looked out, there was only 2 babies.

Feeding time -12 days old

Checking things out-13 days old

What are we suppose to do??-Watching Mom and Dad flying( 14days old)

One off-2 to go!
It was fun watching the last two, trying to figure out when the time was right.  Then all of the sudden, number 2 jumped up on the trellis and flew up and then down to the ground.  He went all the way around the neighbors house, hopping, I think.

Number 2 off and running!

Number 3, checking out the wings

Everyone's gone-So Sad
I left for a while and when I came back, Number 3 was gone also.  I spotted her on the retaining wall at the back of the house. Her Mom or Dad was there, telling her what to do.  She flew off to the other side of the creek and a little bit later flew back to the retaining wall. 
So, the family of Robins are off flying to the farmlands of Nebraska.
Number 3, Hey, where did everyone go???
We are able to use the deck once again!!!-M

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