Saturday, May 21, 2011

Robin update

?Finch nest with pen
While I was walking the dogs in the back yard Wednesday, I saw a clump of twigs in the bushes. As I looked closer I saw two little eggs on the ground under the bushes.  The clump of twigs was the nest laying sideways. So, I uprighted the nest and placed the eggs in it.  After looking up the eggs on the internet, I think it is a finch nest, but it also could be a wren nest.  Either way I don't think they will come back to it. So Sad. The nest was only a foot above the ground. It is such a cute little nest and eggs.
Robins-3 days old

Robins-4 days old-late in day

blurry feeding time

another blurry feeding time 5days old

Robins-6 days old
Last evening I bet I stood by the sliding glass doors for 30 minutes, trying to get a good shot of the babies feeding.  The only thing I was able to get is the blurry pictures. I guess I zoom out too much and then I can't hold still enough.  Getting shaky in my old age-ha, ha!!  It happens so fast-Momma sits on the nest and when she sees Poppa come with food, she gets up, lets him feed. Then he takes off and back she sits. It is quite entertaining.
We got a lot of rain, along with thunderstorms on Thursday night. I was a little worried about them. But, in the morning all looked well, Momma was in here umbrella position and just a little wet.

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