Sunday, May 8, 2011

A robin and her nest

Finished empty nest
We are now at my folk's house in Nebraska for a while.  A couple of weeks ago we noticed a robin trying to build a nest on the rail of the deck. We didn't think she had a chance, because the wind kept blowing it apart.  Well, on one of our non windy days, she went to town!  Vel had just got done staining the deck, so the rope lights are out of place.  So Lady robin intertwined her nest in the rope lights and packed some mud along with it and it seems quite sturdy now.   
1st egg (Saturday 4-30)

2nd egg (Sunday 5-1)
 So, one day she laid an egg, then the next day another and on the 3rd day, the last one.  She comes and goes laying on her eggs.  We don't take the dogs out the sliding deck door anymore, because we don't want to disturb her.  But when she is gone, one of us will go out an check to make sure the eggs are o.k.

Lady Robin
 After a little research, we found out that the eggs should hatch in 2-3 weeks. So, we will continue to check, everyday.  I love nature!!- Later-M
Can you see the nest, on the rail by the trellis on the right.

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