Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oyster faces!!

Oyster boat coming in to unload.
When Jeff and Barb came down, we started them off right. We went to a restaurant down by the Oysterfest, and the waitress brought them a "slider" or oyster on the half shelf to sample.  Barb put plenty of cocktail sauce on hers.  They slide them down and kept them down.  Their facial expressions are precious!

Barb preparing the oysters!

Look at those faces!!!

Oysters on the half shell, ready to go at the Oysterfest.

We drove over to see the "Big Tree" and then caught a glimpse of some more Whooping Cranes.  We also saw alot of dolphins in the bay on the way over.  Then on the way back we saw quite a few Roseatte Spoonbills.  I think we hit the animal jackpot that day!!
More Whooping Cranes

Roseatte Spoonbills

At the beach-feeding seagulls
We had to show them the beach we like to go to. Barb, Jeff and Vel stopped and fed the seagulls. We stopped at a new restaurant in town and then headed back to the beach to fly our trick kites. It was a fun day!  Unfortunatly it was a short trip for them, but we really enjoyed seeing them and showing them around.
You can defiantly tell Spring is coming , the Winter Texans are slowly leaving and the Spring Breakers are arriving in the park. Things are really greening up down here! -M

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