Friday, December 23, 2011


Testing my blogger app and wishing everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

This is just a quick way to blog, I can't label pictures or put them in various places. But maybe I'll blog more if it's quick, we shall see! -M

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Winter home base

It's been about a month, that we have been back at our Winter Home base.  Time flies!    We have driven down our favorite street several times now.  We love seeing all the birds, in the bay, along this road.

Not sure what we have all done, but is seems like we are keeping busy.  One thing we are trying this year is fishing! We both bought a saltwater/freshwater fishing license, and are trying our hand at it.  So far so good.  We haven't caught any keepers yet, but hopefully soon.  Along with fishing, I enjoy just watching the birds that are around.  The White Pelican's showed up last week, this is one of the areas that they winter at. Such a beautiful bird! 


Snowy Egret
Hope Ya'll (he he) have a Great Thanksgiving!!-M
Jumping Fish

Friday, October 21, 2011

Didn't see Waylon, Willie and the boys

 Yesterday, we went to Fredericksburg and Luckenbach, TX.
I didn't get any pictures of Fredericksburg, but it is a neat little tourist town, with a German theme.  We stopped by the Pie Shoppe and had to pick out a piece each, out of a least 15 different types! All looked good, I ended up with Apple and Vel had a Praline Peach. Both were excellent!!  The town is having a Food and Wine Festival this Saturday and they were getting ready for that.  I bet the town will be packed!

Then we decided to drive down the road to Luchenbach, we've heard that there is not much there.
Well, we heard right!  There is an old post office, with a stage and picnic tables behind it.  There also is a large parking lot.  I guess it gets busy on weedends, different bands come in and play!  Sounds like a good time!  We took the long way home, through beautiful, but dry, Hill Country. (They need rain!!)

 I had to play the song, "Luchenbach Texas" by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, when we got home. Vel just couldn't place it, until she heard it! Yee Haw!!!!-M

Is Waylon or Willie in there??
On the way home, Hill Country

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kayaking in Hill Country

Guadalupe River

Falls upstream

Very clear
It was a beautiful day for kayaking! So, we went to the Guadalupe river in the Hill Country of Texas. Very calm river, just the way we like it!  I can't believe how clear the river is, we saw quite a few fish, small and big.  They were too fast to get on camera!
Taking it easy!

Home Sweet Home


Tucker posted on his blog, so, don't forget to check it out! Link is on the right. Later -M

Thursday, October 13, 2011

2nd largest canyon it the U.S.

Palo Duro Canyon

Heading down to bottom of canyon
 This area of Texas is quite flat, until you get to Palo Duro Canyon. It's a beautiful State Park, alot of red claystone, with layers of white gypsum.  It has walking, biking and horse trails. Along with campgrounds, an Amphitheater and an Interpretive Center.
It's rich in history, first the Native Americans were here.  And then the white man ran them off to Oklahoma.  Then Charles Goodnight in 1876 entered the canyon and opened up a large ranch. Now it's a State Park!
Cool formations

Mr. Lizard

Lighthouse formation

Prone to flash flooding

Yep, this is Texas

Replica of Charles Goodnight's 1st house

See the Roadrunner? Me neither, she was too fast for the camera!
It is worth the stop, if you are ever in the area!! -M

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


 I'm not sure why someone would stick old Cadillacs in the ground, but in Amarillo Texas they do.  In the middle of a field, that they were planting something in it, while I was there. Vel and the dogs stayed in the Pick-up, I don't think they were too impressed.
They invite anyone to add graffiti, but I think they also want you to place the spray cans in the dumpsters placed by the road. There were cans all over the ground.  Why people can't make that little effort, boggles my mind!
And that's Cadillac Ranch?????????!!!!!!
We drove down Historic Route 66 in Amarillo, there were a few of Antique shops, gift shops and restaurants on the route.   It's kind of neat to think that it was a main route from Chicago to Los Angeles, before the interstate system.  Such narrow roads, perfect for an old Ford pickup, with a Teardrop behind it!!  Just pull along the side of the road for the night, under a tree, and set up camp.  Those must of been the days!!  No RV parks with full hook-ups back then!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We love mountain streams

All pictures are from the Poudre River Canyon.

Toby and Tucker checking out the water.

Luxi decided to just relax by the edge (Such a princess!)

So clear!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Haven't gone far

Wood Carving in RV Park

Coming in on the North side of Estes Park

Estes Park

The weather has been great!  One of the employees at the RV park we were at, suggested taking the Glen Haven road into Estes Park. He said it was a pretty drive and he was right.  There was a couple of hairpin turns at the very top, glad we weren't pulling the rig! 
California Poppy's per Vel

Fall River running through Estes Park

Look Familiar?

In front of New Belgium Brewery
We moved north about 20 miles, to the Fort Collins area.  It's home of Colorado State University and seems to be a nice town.  The New Belgium Brewery is here.  We were there on the day they were closed, so no tours for us.  I had to take a picture of the Vintage Airstream in front of the Brewery. Pretty Cool!! 
After a year of employment, you receive a bike at New Belgium Brewery

Horsetooth Reservoir
This area of Colorado really knows how to put in the bicycle routes, they are all over.  I think it's great!!
The news said this was a controlled burn

Horsetooth Reservoir
The weather is suppose to change in the next few days, cooler and wet.  The higher elevations in the mountains are suppose to get up to a foot of snow!  Just so it stays up there and doesn't sneak down here!!   Later-M